For Uncharted: Drake''s Fortune on the PlayStation 3, GameFAQs has 8 save games.
Uncharted 2, Game Save Unlocking Crushing Without Playing Crushing will unlock but Trophies will not work! This did not work for me. I deleted previous Game Data as well as Save Data.
uncharted drake''s fortune crushing new game. Uncharted 3: Drake''s Deception game save,, and then Quit Game and Delete the Game Data and Restart the game Load Game save 1,, uncharted crushing 22.
I was debating playing through normally on crushing as I normally do. Played through chapter 3 and decided to try this and the chapter select only showed my current progress because I only had one save file! Ugh. So I''ll be playing through on crushing but adding the infinite ammo and barok etc. Appreciate the solution and breakdown though!
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Now on your PS5, go to Settings > Application Data Management > Saved Data in Online Storage > Download to System Storage. Select Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and download the saved data. After completing these steps, you’re now ready to actually transfer the save data into Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection.
Uncharted 3 loading problem
Uncharted Crushing Save Data
Uncharted Crushing Save Data-jaw Crusher. Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception Crushing Mode. Hi everyone i need a save data for uncharted 3 drakes deception the only trophy i need is the crushing mode for the platinum i try to use the saves in this thread you must login or register to view this content but all the files say me something similar to data corrupted i use data save from uncharted 1 and 2
I''ve loved both Uncharted games but haven''t finished either of them on Crushing difficulty, mainly due to the crazy difficulty spikes in some of the fights. I''m wondering if I can use the free guns I''ve earned (that I can enable from the menu) or if this will count as cheating and stop me from finishing the game and getting the trophies.
Crushing Save File And Completion Page 2. Jun 09 2009 But the save game didnt reaward the medal for easy mode Hope this helps I am half way through now on Crushing past that dam water room so hopefully it should all be plane sailing from here I am kind of happy that you cant use the save files to unlock the trophies other there would be a load of people with free platinums on Uncharted
Now in the main menu if you check chapters it says crushing on all chapters. IMPORTANT!!! Now start up chapter 18. And save over slot 2. Once in the chapter (18 Because no cutscene at the start) Save over slot 2 again. Now start Uncharted LoTC on PS5 and only load save slot 2, it’ll put you in chapter 18 and the trophy will pop.
hola quisiera saber algo ,pienso comprarme el ps3 slim y tengo 91% de trofeos uncharted 2 y pues solo me faltan 5 misiones para sacar el platino y quisiera saber si con mi cuenta la pongo en el ps3 slim y el savedata lo copio y lo meto en la ps3 slim podre sacar el trofeo una vez completado???
Uncharted 3: Drake''s Deception Save Game Files forNov 01, 2011PlayStation 3 Game Save Directory (ZIP) (North America) From VinceTheBone (11/18/2011; 173KB) Plat uncharted crushing save data 27 Division, mirpur-12, pallbi.
Here is almost full set Uncharted 4. You can get these trophies. Best Score! Butterfingers Charted
File Size: 110.85 MB. File Type: (Zip file) Comments: 4. Downloads: 631. Views: 8,316. Related Forum: PlayStation Forum. Item description: This PS4 Game save is confirmed platinum but is untested so what trophies will be given is unknown. Feel free to share any results in the comments below.
Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection Trophies and Save Data to Carry Over from PS4 to PS5
Even better (safest option): Go to PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Save Data in System Storage > Delete > Uncharted: The Lost Legacy > Delete all saves of this game. Back up your save games beforehand. Pick Explorer difficulty and simply run into the enemies with melee attacks.
Uncharted 4 A Thiefs End Trophy Guide. May 19 2016 as with crushing difficulty for any uncharted game youll want to stay behind cover and pop your head out when firing for a short amount of time do everything it says exactly it must be patch 103 or below you must save on save file slot 2 you need to overwrite save file slot 2 you were just using for chapter 1 with the data for
"[AS] Uncharted 1 Save Set [CUSA01399]" :: Login/Create an Account:: 1 comment If you would like to post a comment please signin to your account or register for an account . maxi141x Posted: Sat. Jan 30, 2021
For Uncharted: Drake''s Fortune on the PlayStation 3, GameFAQs has 8 save games.
Item description: here is another small saveset Smile there are 4 folders in this download. one for collectibles, one for Crushing, one for Just the Wind and one for The Way of the Warrior (Make it to the outskirts of Halebidu in Chapter 5 without using a firearm or explosive) . i made a save for every collectible trophy. i named the folders after the trophys you can get. instructions are in
Hello, this is a save set for uncharted 4, the saves arent mine, the only thing I have done is re region saves from other threads and there is a Platinum save 100% on the folders. With this saves u can get:-Crushing-Speedrun-Gift of Gab-I Accidentally All the Guns-Lost Art of Journaling-Lost History-Relic finder-Sharpshooter-Treasure Hunter
Corrupted Save Data issue
Item description: here is another small saveset Smile there are 4 folders in this download. one for collectibles, one for Crushing, one for Just the Wind and one for The Way of the Warrior (Make it to the outskirts of Halebidu in Chapter 5 without using a firearm or explosive) . i made a save for every collectible trophy. i named the folders after the trophys you can get. instructions are in
If you want the trophy I suggest you start a new one completely, on crushing. Also from what is sounds like, you''ve already beaten it with your original save on crushing so technically you wouldn''t be missing anything. The trophies save to your PSN, not your save file. Luiman04
Transfer it to your PS3 (google how to do so), load the save, then choose new game and choose crushing difficulty. You can choose to carry over your medals or not, but if you''re just going for the crushing completion trophy, it doesn''t matter.
If you transfer your save data from PS4 to PS5, those trophies already earned on PS4 will pop automatically on the PS5 trophy list
Uncharted: Drake''s Fortune Remastered Trophy Guide. Uncharted: Drake''s Fortune is one of the classic games on the PS3, now updated for the PS4. . Stage 1: Play on Crushing Difficulty and Collect all Treasures . for a new difficulty level, clean-up or a speed run
One thing I love about all 3 Uncharted games (finished them all on Crushing, can''t wait to re-do so on the NDC!) is that the hardest difficulty isn''t straight up just you take fewer bullets, enemies take more. The enemy strategy gets significantly better.
Just finished UC2 on Crushing, and while all the trophies and bonuses are there, including the option for brutal mode, there is no save file. When I enter chapter select, I am only able to select up to chapter 4 which is from a previous save file.
Keep game-save you have completed the game on but back-up and delete all others. Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data in System Storage > Delete > Select any game-saves that are NOT the one you firse completed game on. Start a new game on Crushing keeping stats and treasures on New Game Data[b
Difficulty is a recurring game mechanic in the Uncharted series. At the start of each playthrough, the player must select a difficulty level, which affects how much damage the player character, typically Nathan Drake, deals, takes and the level of hit points he has. Other additional changes include enabling of aim assist on the lowest difficulty, and disables combat tutorials and cheats on the
Hello, this is a save set for uncharted 4, the saves arent mine, the only thing I have done is re region saves from other threads and there is a Platinum save 100% on the folders. With this saves u can get:-Crushing-Speedrun-Gift of Gab-I Accidentally All the Guns-Lost Art of Journaling-Lost History-Relic finder-Sharpshooter-Treasure Hunter
File Size: 19.93 MB. File Type: (Rar file) Comments: 4. Downloads: 952. Views: 18,245. Related Forum: PlayStation Forum. Item description: This is my Platinum save of Uncharted 4, I unlocked all trophies on it except DLC trophies. Download: Click Download and in a few moments you will receive the download dialog.
uncharted drake''s fortune crushing new game. Uncharted 3: Drake''s Deception game save,, and then Quit Game and Delete the Game Data and Restart the game Load Game save 1,, uncharted crushing 22.
Crushing is absolutely killing me. I can''t finish it for the life of me! The funny thing is I breezed through Uncharted 2 because it was easier, this first game is a hell of a lot harder but it''s also the one I like better!
Tom Holland appears to be a Naughty Dog fan, having expressed a desire to star in a live action Jak & Daxter movie. Naughty Dog has already managed to get two of its franchises adapted into film